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I acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which I live - the Yalukit-Willam - and pay my respects to their elders past, present and emerging. 



Entries in thinking (67)


Working out what we think 

As we cycle around something, a situation, an idea, a problem, a possible solution, we're usually trying to work out our relationship with it, to it. We're working out what we think, what we know and what we should or could do ... if anything. We exchange information with others. We try to advance the conversation.

Our opinions may not be fully formed. Our ideas may initially be hunches or hopes.

When we're in dull meetings, that perhaps should be exploring our relationship and connection to information, rather end up being status plays and waffle-fests with little if any structure to guide us through this exploration and sensemaking.

'Busy' leaders with time pressures don’t engage in or lead sensemaking activities often enough. But they pay the price later when team members are disengaged, disconnected, disinterested.

Spending some time deliberately making sense of ideas and information is engaging, exploring, discovering. It’s not time wasting but insight gathering for more swift and impactful decisions later.

Sensemaking is a super skill for today and most definitely a skill that lends itself to the uncertain future. 



Just thinking, or capturing the thinking 

Working on tasks like problem solving, idea generation or planning and decision making means we can get into some pretty heavy thinking.

I wonder... are we doing too much thinking and not enough capturing of the thinking?

Have you had that situation where you've come up with an idea, some clever thoughts and then ... it's gone, disappeared as quickly as it arrived? Can't remember it?

It’s a waste to think great things and not net, trap or curate and gather them. Too often we dismiss our thoughts and ideas as not being valuable, but they’ve just been created as thoughts; they haven’t been further morphed into an action or an implementable thing.

Give yourself the credit that yes, you did come up with an idea, a possibility. Then capture it as soon as you can!

A library of ideas is something to draw from later on.

We can't always sit down and expect brilliant ideas to come to us on demand. Rather, we can capture them when they come throughout our daily habits and activities. This is the clever art of idea curation.

Q: Do you lose your ideas or do you catch them?


There’s thinking and there’s overthinking

How much thinking is enough?

I'm reading a book by an author who’s a marketing ninja guru genius and they keep letting the reader know how much thinking they do. The author's stories are about the times when they were:

- thinking about possible scenarios

- thinking about the numbers

- thinking about solutions

- thinking about ideas

- thinking about the questions clients and colleagues might ask

- thinking about what other people might be thinking.


When we do this thinking, the problem is we are mostly OVER-THINKING. We are such wasteful thinkers.

We disguise thinking as:












Evaluating … and

Mentally rehearsing.

We mentally rehearse scenarios trying to ‘prepare’ or ‘be ready’ for what lies ahead. We default to overthinking believing it's a useful way to solve a problem.

But calling an end to overthinking could be way better for us.

Move in to action sooner; to get real evidence and results - not imagined.

Q: What do you often overthink? 


Full to overflowing

This morning I'm keynoting aand opening a conference. It’s a 2-day program, with 3 streams running concurrently, which means there will be about 30 sessions for people to choose from.

Many conferences present us with this choice about what to do, what to attend. As delegates, we're about to be blasted by a firehose of information. The information flow is never ending.

We start the day with high hopes, clear minds and open eyes, ready to capture the insights from presentations and conversations.

But during the day, we hit the wall, full to overflowing and we experience 'the overload'.

To deal with it, we need to manage it. No one will do it for us. We need the skill of 'cognitive load coping' which the Institute for the Future said we'd need about now.

Yet I don’t see enough of it in the workplace to equip people to cope with all the information!

In today’s keynote I :

✅ Show how multitasking at a conference lowers our IQ;

✅ Explain we have a blindness to information, missing key content; and

✅ Share templates and techniques for better cognitive load coping.

This quote below from Seth Godin is a goodie! More on this topic as the week goes on.


Managing the overload 

Do we consciously think how we’ll manage the deluge of information we’ll be exposed to today? Or do we just hope for the best?

Yes, we read, think, assess, evaluate and make sense of so much stuff. Every day. And while we’re trying to make sense of the information that’s INCOMING to us, don’t forget we also need to make sense of the information that we’re preparing for others : our OUTGOING.

We can spend too long on how things look - a presentation or report for example - when it may actually be all wordy, with jargon, cliched. That’s hard work for people to make sense of.

As you manage your own cognitive load, be aware you need to help others manage their load too. When preparing information, make it easy for them. If it’s easy - that doesn’t mean simple - if it’s easy, it gets digested, absorbed and, importantly integrated into our learning and understanding.

You'll feel less zombie-ish and more alert if you make conscious cognitive load management one of the ways you go about your day. I’m opening the SIRF Roundtables National Forum with a keynote on this super skill, cognitive load coping.

I’ll share more on cognitive load coping this week.

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