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I acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which I live - the Yalukit-Willam - and pay my respects to their elders past, present and emerging. 



Entries in reflection (2)


Review and Reflect ... alone or with the team


The end of the calendar year brings many people to the point of wrapping things up, reviewing the year that's been and thinking about the year ahead. 

(That is... if you can break from the cray-cray of deadlines hitting before holiday time or having less people in your team or on the task than you'd like!)
Whatever your state of mind - and work - this week and the next few,  I've collected a few resources for you to review, reflect, read and ponder... when you're ready.

If not now, bookmark and save for when you're travelling, waiting, distracting yourself or wanting some insight.

I love me a visual map; and many a group or team I've worked with have benefited from being able to capture their story, the facts, their issues or the current situation too.

Once it's down on paper (or digital) they're able to see it. Once they can all see it, it's remarkable how quickly resolutions and fixes present themselves in the conversation. It's also way quicker to get people together and focused on something. 

Here's one I prepared earlier! For you. 

I use this type of map and the headings of 'Less Same More' in workshops and keynotes to help people get actions down from their thinking and ideas. (This handles overwhelm and chaos well too!)

What do you want more, less or the same of...?

  • LESS: stop or drop this stuff. Wind back, remove and reduce it.
  • SAME: keep on truckin', keep going, keep moving with this stuff.
  • MORE: ramp it up, do more of this, get or have more of this. 

This is about you  - what do you want less, same or more of in your life, in your work. It can relate to anything at all. 

Fill in the spaces. I use dot points or key words to prompt me and capture my ideas. It becomes my personal visual plan and idea collection place just like a 'plan on a page'. It then goes up on the wall in my office or in digital/photo form on my phone. 
Oh and there's a cheeky light bulb on the bottom right. I call that:

  • AND, dot dot dot :... it's a little like 'How about this?' as if you were pitching to some big-time investor or director. What are some random, hopeful or dreamy things that would be interesting to look at or pursue further? Capture them right there.

Use this page with the team. Or use it alone. Perhaps with a partner or friend or the family. Chilled out one Sunday afternoon, fill it out. Kicking off a project with a new team, get them to tell you what they want more, less and same of.

It's a great way to review, it's a sweet start to planning; it's an even better conversation starter.

For all the times you think you can't get engagement with people, ask them to jot a few points down under each heading and you can have a conversation from there.  

Review, reflect and then do something with this and the other resources here, below. In your own time....



Take a leadership selfie this holiday season

Does the number of photos you take with your phone or smart device spike upwards at this time of year? Mine does! More social gatherings, more group or family photos, more end of year and new year stuff.

In between photos this season, you'll likely read plenty of blogs, posts and articles over the coming weeks saying it's a time of reflection, the end of the year, the start of a new one - you know the drill. They'll be saying what a great time of year it is to pause and reflect and journal and ... 

How about every time you read (or start to read) one of those articles or posts, just think 'leadership selfie'. 

Think of how you hold your camera or digital device out there, and when you're taking a selfie of you and others, or you and a scene or gathering, you're also taking a snap of you and your leadership self.

A leadership selfie. 

In writing this blog, I noticed that Tim Milburn also talked leadership selfies last year in relation to self evaluation and checking in with yourself. He said that 2013 was the year of the selfie. 

This year to get a wider perspective of you, your leadership and your team (or family, community, group or organisation), think of it like using the selfie stick - that has to be the accessory of 2014!

It gives more perspective, more background, a better view and a broader horizon. 

"Click" and "snap" - when you're smiling over the coming weeks when people tell you to 'smile', think 'leadership selfie'. 

How am I going?

How did this year go?

Did I do what I wanted to?

What would I do differently next year?

What will I do differently next year?

What about the longer horizon, the wider horizon?

What comes beyond that?


Check that selfie.

Want to take it again?

Look, there's 2015 just up ahead... <smile>