self | workload | information | focus | learning | collaboration 





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I acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which I live - the Yalukit-Willam - and pay my respects to their elders past, present and emerging. 



Entries in thinking (67)


Applause to the synthesizers 

To those who make sense of mess.

Who connect the dots and help us understand what’s going on. 

To those who just look at a spreadsheet and know what’s going on. 

Who can succinctly summarize the outcomes of a meeting, the key points of a presentation, the plot of a film. 

We applaud you. We so need you. 

You work out what the key pieces are and deliver them to us with clarity, precision and brevity. 

You cut to the chase, get to the point, and bring things together so we can move things along. 

Your way of distilling and reducing, integrating without losing meaning and holding the important bits together is needed. 

In all of the information, you find a way through so we can follow. 

And then together we can decide and act, putting ideas into practice. 

To the synthesisers who comb through complexity and are able to bring a lot of information together in one piece, thank you. 

Please keep doing what you do. 

Look around and listen out for the synthesisers who help bring disparate pieces of information together, help build understanding and help make collaboration easier ... thank you. 

Know a great synthesiser? Get in contact with them and say thank you. 


A small task can take up a lot of space

It may not take very long to complete when it comes to doing it, but there is often one task on our list that becomes a blocker in our productivity flow. 

It could be the task you don’t want to do, the task that seems fiddly or complex, or the task you are dreading. 

And disproportionately, we spend so much time thinking about it, worrying, rehearsing and analyzing or imagining it. 

This task occupies too much of our precious cognitive load and mental bandwidth... and life!

Many other actions and tasks get polluted by that one blockage. It may not be connected or part of the same project but it blocks progress all the same. 

When we decide to start or work on and complete this task, things become easier. 

Some pressure is relieved, and we can begin to flow with our productivity again. 

So how about it? Start it, tackle it, finish it ... a weight gets lifted, the load and pressure is released. 

Is there something on your list that matches “that kind of task” - the one task ... that takes up so much of our thinking? Blocking better progress? 

Could you do it today? 


Test, don’t judge ideas

Working on something and wondering how it will be received? 

It’s so easy to swing into judgement mode and decide how it’s going to end up. 

That they won’t buy it. 
That they won’t like it. 
That they don’t need it. 
That they won’t understand it. 

And we haven’t even tested it out yet! 

We can spend a lot of energy thinking and rethinking, assessing and judging. But we may not be the best judges of the things we make ourselves. 

Much better to test our ideas out on people... the people who we are working with or targeting with our ideas. 

Otherwise we may think what we’ve done isn’t good enough.

Until we’ve tested it out, it could be better to hold that judgement. As hard as that is. 

If you or your team have got something you’re still thinking about, wondering how it will go ...put it out there and test it. 

Get some valuable insights and feedback - then you can be more objective about your ideas. 


Try again tomorrow 

If something is tricky, sticky or difficult to decide or work on, leave it for now and try again tomorrow.

We do wonderful sorting, synthesising, problem solving and integrating when we are asleep. So we can let go of it today and tackle it again tomorrow knowing our abilities can be even better.

For the procrastinators among us, who often leave the sprint to the finish line until the last moment because ‘pressure works for us’ well, we’re missing out on the overnight gold mining that gets done.

If we can get started on a task, project or activity a day sooner than we were planning, we can let a night’s sleep do some of the genius work for us. All that automatic sorting, searching and sensemaking could be more productive, creative and effective than the drag of pushing on through.

Another reason to seek out decent sleep: it makes our ideas, thinking and solutions better.


Getting closer 

Rather than pushing my group workshops and group training programs all online in groups ... I’m going the other way. I’m going 1:1 or a small group of 2, 3...

Sure it’s taking me longer but I’m not going anywhere, and the closer conversations, engagement and interactions have been more personalized and joyous. We find out more about each other, how we’re managing, what our world is like ... and I set about transferring my skills and knowledge directly to you on capabilities like:


⭐️Sensemaking & Cognitive Load Coping

✨Visuals - analogue and digital

💥Developing your own ideas and thinking

☀️Adapting your positioning and brand

💫Boosting your creativity and idea generation.

We don’t need to do what everyone else is doing. It’s easy to copy, follow a herd or pack or think ‘oh that’s what I have to do too’ in times like these. It’s equally a time when trying something different could be just what’s needed.

Are you experimenting or just following what others are doing in response to change?

Experiment, adapt and respond in line with who you are and how you think and work. It’s time to be even more a part of your services than less. No need to default to ‘copy’ because it’s not the only way. 

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