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I acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which I live - the Yalukit-Willam - and pay my respects to their elders past, present and emerging. 



Entries in VUCA (31)


Swinging from uncertainty to certainty 

We do it so many times a day.

Uncertainty about breakfast.

Certainty about breakfast.


Uncertainty about the bus.

Certainty about the bus.


Uncertainty about the meeting.

Certainty about the meeting.


Uncertainty about the decision.

Certainty about the decision.


We’re all just swinging from being sure about some stuff and unsure about other stuff. And the stuff changes. And the level of certainty and uncertainty can change too.

This is the U in VUCA. How are you going with it? How is your team going? Things are changing so you’ll be certain about some more stuff in a few minutes time. And some other stuff will become uncertain.

Notice the swing: go with the swing. Better than trying to keep everything still in certainty, expecting it to ‘switch’ to certainty and stay there. We’re going with it - oh look, more certainty approaching.


Do you see patterns 

Spotting trends, seeing patterns, staying observant. These are crucial skills for today’s world of work where things change and uncertainty is high.

It’s easy to get caught up in our own world, deep in the culture of a project or workplace, cycling through our usual activities, routines and habits.

So what would make you take notice of something? And how would you make note of it? Do you know how observant you are?

๐Ÿ”ฒ Oblivious


๐Ÿ”ฒ Observant?


๐Ÿ”ฒ Forgetful


๐Ÿ”ฒ Insightful?

Our powers of observation are powerful... and insight-full. Don't miss them as they fly by!

Take care not to be:

Departed, nor to Waste great insights, or to arrive at them Unfounded.

Today’s changing world needs us to be observant, noticing things, picking up on trends, spotting patterns and connecting sequences of information. It is indeed 'connecting the dots'. 



Are we on the same page yet 

Getting on the same page is a collaborative and strategic need we have and yet it can take such an effort for us to get there.

Perhaps some transparency might help. That word 'transparency' ... meaning 'easy to be seen'.

How transparent is your thinking? How well can you see what you're thinking so you can communicate it, share it and transfer it to others?

It can take us so long to get our heads around what we’re thinking, let alone understand what others are thinking! In the meantime, thoughts seem opaque, cloudy and thick - rather than transparent, clear and understandable.

And there's no need to over simplify, just to understand. We can tend to resort to lazy methods like lists and clumps of unsorted information, expecting others to do the connecting of themes, the joining of dots and the revealing of patterns.

But oh, that keeps us on different pages.

We can do better.

Today’s cray-cray world of information, ideas, happenings and data needs us to be able to:

๐ŸŽซ get to grips with information quickly,

๐ŸŽซ get ourselves (as a group) on the same page, and then

๐ŸŽซ decide ... so we can get on with it. This is sensemaking.


Changing conditions

Woah! Watch out, take care!

'Variable water depth and drop off’ says the sign at my local beach here in Melbourne, Australia. If this is the first time you’ve come to this beach, then this information is vitally important. It could save your life! Waters are clear but not so clear that we can always see the bottom.

The signs I’ve been sharing in posts this week may well be about water, beach and swimming safety, but they’re a brilliant reminder for us in many other situations.

Be ready; that solid ground you’re standing on could shift, move, change. And while we think conditions are set or predictable, they can and do change rapidly.

This is a common environment for us now in a world that’s labelled ‘VUCA’, in workplaces undergoing change or transformation, and in people who may be fed up hearing about all of those things!

We can become complacent, comfortable, habitual. And so an unexpected change or shift, is just that … unexpected. These times are about our ability to adapt, change and to be ready.

It is having a capability of adaptability.


What reading will you do to prepare you for the future 

The Institute for the Future continues to urge us to prepare for the future skills we'll require to cope with uncertainty, change and new ways of working. If you can't zip out of the office to complete a 'Future of Work Diploma', what are you doing to educate yourself so you're ready? Over the weekend, during the week, on holidays, people often find gaps in the day - after breakfast, waiting in the car, in airport queues, after dinner, waiting for the weather to change/clear/change again.

All of these times - and more - are opportunities to be taking on bite-sized chunks of insight and learning.

Our brain loves this; much better than cognitively overloading ourselves or filling up our sponges with too much information in one hit.

So, what are you reading... and planning to read?

Here are some ideas for you I've worked on over the past six years...

(Hey pssst! The purple one is available for FREE download via my website; the others, where you usually get your books or via my website).

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