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I acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which I live - the Yalukit-Willam - and pay my respects to their elders past, present and emerging. 



Entries in ideation (26)


Keep an ideas book

Better still, curate an ideas book. Or even ‘work’ your ideas book.

When there are ideas and thoughts swirling about your head, what do you do with them? Try to wrestle with them? Try to ‘sort them out’ or get them into some semblance of order?

If your ideas are up there, mixing with all that other stuff like the inner critic, the self doubter, the small player ... it may not be the best space for our ideas to prosper or grow.

We trash and dismiss them, minimize and trivialize them.

Get your ideas out of there, quick!

Put them somewhere else ... to externalise them. Then you can work with them.

- As part of a habit or routine.
- As a source of inspiration and motivation.
- As a place of refuge and comfort.

Mostly, as a reminder of the possibilities and capabilities of the human mind .... without the weight and distraction of all that other stuff!

Get started on an ideas book.

And if you’ve already got one... share a photo of it below👇🏾- I’d love to see it!

Do you like ideas and creativity? Give this post a like and share it to encourage others.


You have an idea : now what

Think there are few original ideas?Let’s see how we can work to make an idea our own.

▶️ Ideation
A flurry of ideas or just one, is enough to get working on a project or creative task.

Ideas aren’t always original, aren’t truly our own or unique so we need to ‘work’ them some more before pressing ‘send’ or ‘publish’.

▶️ Exploration
What’s the history of this idea? Has anyone else written on it, published or created it? How original is your thinking? Do some research. (Or is your Google button broken?)

▶️ Extension
If you like the idea and want more of it, don’t copy it ... extend it. Do more thinking, reading, talking and developing. Take the idea further. This will require some work and it’s the point where some of us check out or seek a short cut.

▶️ Execution
Uniqueness and originality can often be found in the way things are done. Once an idea is explored and extended, then work on how it can be published or put out into the world in this new and improved form.

To advance your career, grow a business or build a brand, originality is absolutely worth the work.


Where ideas come from

Have you experienced cryptomnesia?

It’s where we mistakenly believe a current idea is our own creation when in fact we’ve ‘encountered it previously and then forgotten it,’ (American Psychological Association)

What the heck?!

So some of our blindingly great ideas aren’t that original?

Correct. We’ve gathered them from other places, forgotten about them, woken up one day and thought we’ve had a genius moment!

It's known as 'inadvertent plagiarism' or 'unconscious plagiarism'. And of course there’s outright plagiarism too. 😡

When our ideas have similarity to others, we could be experiencing cryptomnesia, unaware of the sources of our thinking.

We end up replicating existing ideas or we’re influenced by them (unknowingly) when we’re sorting and filtering our thoughts.

The world needs us to be more creative, to solve tricky problems and adapt to changing circumstances.

It’s worth the effort then to be more original ... and it’s also worth the effort to sharpen our own originality so we all diversify the idea pool.


How to be original 

In a world of noise, how do you be unique? How do you bring your originality to market through your ideas, products and services?

Some people think they don’t have anything unique to say.
Others believe their ideas aren’t that special.
And others are worried that what they are doing is too similar or close to what others are doing.

Copying is unfortunately too common and not cool.

As much as we might love the work of other people (and wish it were our own or that we were like them), we need to discover, explore and then express our own originality.

The world needs us to be original.

Because the world has a big diversity problem - in workplaces, online content, social media, events and publications the world over.

There is too much same/same.

It is time for more diverse and interesting ideas, and they are needed today more than ever.


Notice when you have an idea

Do you capture them... the ideas and thoughts you have while you’re reading, listening or thinking? 

We overestimate the number of ideas we think we’ll remember. Our train of thought is interrupted with the mundane ... and boom, the thought is gone! 

Worry less about a perfect system for collecting ideas and start with ANY system! 

> Write a few words on a post it 
> Say a few phrases into a voice memo
> Jot a note in a journal. 

We undervalue the creative thoughts that come to us - either by not noticing them at all, or noticing them but judging them as unworthy.

Still after the perfect system? But having it may not mean you firstly notice when you’re having an idea! We can have a shed of tools and not use them. Or a device of apps we rarely tap!

The point is, to become more aware you’ve had an idea or thought that could be captured ... and could be useful in the future. 

Notice ideas and more ideas will come.