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I acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which I live - the Yalukit-Willam - and pay my respects to their elders past, present and emerging. 



Entries in ideation (26)


Test, don’t judge ideas

Working on something and wondering how it will be received? 

It’s so easy to swing into judgement mode and decide how it’s going to end up. 

That they won’t buy it. 
That they won’t like it. 
That they don’t need it. 
That they won’t understand it. 

And we haven’t even tested it out yet! 

We can spend a lot of energy thinking and rethinking, assessing and judging. But we may not be the best judges of the things we make ourselves. 

Much better to test our ideas out on people... the people who we are working with or targeting with our ideas. 

Otherwise we may think what we’ve done isn’t good enough.

Until we’ve tested it out, it could be better to hold that judgement. As hard as that is. 

If you or your team have got something you’re still thinking about, wondering how it will go ...put it out there and test it. 

Get some valuable insights and feedback - then you can be more objective about your ideas. 


Test it out sooner

Have an idea for a business, a hunch for a service or planning for a project?
We can find ourselves overthinking, overworrying and overwondering what our probability for success will be. 
Accelerating through the wonder and worry and getting to success is possible though. 

The way to do that is to test out the idea. And sooner than you think. 

Testing something may mean it’s not completely finished, yet. So, how could you test? 

▶️ Talk to your market about your idea and gather their responses. 
▶️ Create a rough version or prototype. 
▶️ Run a trial or pilot. 

Each of these are tests that give us way more insight than continuing to think, worry and wonder. 

Time is saved, our effort is reduced (in pursuing things that may not have the result we hoped for), and we get to validate with the people who matter. 

Yes it could be scary putting yourself and your ideas out there. But you’ll get invaluable feedback and then be able to tweak your offer. Continuing to wonder or to ask people who aren’t in your market is less effective. 

Are you willing to find out sooner, reduce wasted effort and get to a result sooner? 

Test sooner. 


Problem solving / possibility seeking 

When you’re problem solving are you also possibility seeking?

When you're into possibilities can you also see things from the problem perspective? T

hese are 2 sides of a coin, a page, two different moods, sunshine and rain.

🌑Problems to be solved require us to sit among some mess, discomfort and irritation. Some people don’t like it. They’ll dismiss it as negative thinking, poo-poo it and want us to all ‘move on’ to more positive ways of thinking.

🌕Possibilities require us to conjure, create and imagine a new world of delight and happy. Some people don’t like it. They dismiss it as positive thinking, poo-poo it and want us to dig back into details of why and who and what of problems.

Leaders in our rapid problem-solving world need to deliver value, and so also need to be alert to these ways of thinking.

Wherever you prefer to ‘live’ (and some of us aren’t fussed, existing happily in both), know that not everyone sees things this way. You’ll need to invite, allow and let in different styles of thinking.

It can be uncomfortable or awkward if not framed, positioned or guided well. And it’s why leaders need to be able to to facilitate at work and do it well. 


Collect plenty of ideas 

Not just one idea or three, but plenty. You never know when you’ll need them.

Many people ask me about my blogs and posts.

They ask:

- How do you post everyday?

- How do you come up with ideas?

- Tell me/show me how you do it...

The key things you need are to be able to generate content, to deliver value via that content and then to execute on the idea ... among that is to have a wad of ideas. (I don’t know how many a wad is!)

I focus on ‘curating’ my ideas; collecting them as I think of them. I don’t ’sit down to have a good idea’. I grab them when they arrive. Once collected in an Evernote file, I wander through that file each day and think, ‘which of these ideas is buzzing for me?’ (Singing, buzzing, humming, glowing - whatever the verb, it’s about the idea that I react to.)

That’s the one I pick ... and then I write.

I don't stockpile pre-canned posts.

I don't copy and paste from the past.

It's more like I’m riffing from an idea I collected, likely a while ago - days, weeks, months.

You can do it too… to share your thinking, ideas, thoughts and value.

Become what I call a ‘Leader of Value’. So to get started, collect plenty of ideas.


How you handle a problem 

When you were most recently working on a problem, a conundrum or a tricky situation, how were you handling the problem? Were you talking about it? Say, sitting around a table with other people, just talking it through? Or were you ‘handling the problem’? Did you actually get your hands on the problem?

When we physically work with a problem, see, feel and imagine the pieces of it and move things around, we solve it quicker.

If we do, that means the l-o-n-g meetings we’re in (where we are usually just talking about the problem) will be finished sooner! We'll come up with better ideas and solutions and we generate a greater range of possibilities.

A product development team at a consumer goods business used cards with the key issues, challenges and obstacles written on them. They moved the cards around on the meeting table.

Seems simple, right? Engagement, participation and buy-in was boosted, and people more clearly understood what the details of the issue were all about.

Try not to just talk about the problem - but get your hands on it! You'll bring more people into the work to be done.