self | workload | information | focus | learning | collaboration 





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I acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which I live - the Yalukit-Willam - and pay my respects to their elders past, present and emerging. 



Entries in leadership (241)


DIY learning 

While a global pandemic may have put a stop to many things, our need for learning hasn’t stopped. 

It’s increased!

Even though company budgets have been paused or slashed, we still have a need to learn so we can
🌕 cope with new situations, 
🌕 take on different responsibilities and 
🌕 adapt to new environments. 

If your client or employer has put a pause on learning, what could you do for yourself to keep your development active? 

Podcasts, books, webinars, masterclasses: so much more has become available in these times. 

We have a HUGE opportunity to DIY or design our own learning plan and program. 

Small investments at this time can reap us some mighty big returns in confidence, capability and skills ... which convert into greater career opportunities for what’s ahead. 

Start now on the DIY project that’s your own learning.


Why does it resonate 

When something resonates, it reverberates. The sound is prolonged and full. 

When something resonates for someone, it’s having that full reverberation with them, echoing, resounding, filling space. 

It’s like the sound in an opera house, specifically designed for reverberation. Or the drawn out ‘donnnnnnnggg’ of a bell. 

Resonance in humans is a pretty big deal!

‘This really resonated with me’, is a comment we’ll read or hear from people. They’re sharing the effect a message, story or experience had for them. 

Take notice when someone says that it resonated. It tells you about what’s important to them, what’s on their mind, and what they might need. 

It highlights what connected and reverberated for them. 

And it’s so important today... in times where we’ve been socially distanced, working remotely, and dealing with significant change. 

We can notice when something resonates for us, too. 

It means we’ve struck something - important, meaningful and valuable. 


The load we create and allow

If you or your team are still having back-to-back meetings throughout the day, stop! Please?

The blend of one meeting into the next does nothing for cognitive load coping. Our overload stays in overload because there’s no chance to ... unload. 

That means when you want to get great ideas and contributions from the team, they won’t have them. 

When you want them to work on planning, collaborating or decision-making, they won’t have the space and attention for it. 

We may think people are disconnected or disengaged when they could be cognitively overloaded.

For clearer and fresher thinking, invite, welcome and encourage breaks between (and within) meetings. 

Even a few minutes makes a difference. 

Create a break:
⏰ Start meetings off the hour at 10 past. 
⏰ Finish meetings prior to the hour. 

Working back-to-back isn’t smarter, particularly when you’re already overloaded. 

It might feel busy and important. 

Instead, it’s overloading the system... our system. Us. 


Overwhelmed by the gap

When the gap is too big between where I am and where I’d like to be, it can seem insurmountable, uncrossable, impossible. 

It’s a huge step towards a big goal. After all, we’ve been told to ‘dream big’ haven’t we...

While we know every journey begins with a single step, it can look more like a leap or pole vault from where we are. The gap may be too big for us to imagine crossing or closing. 

And then ... ‘oh hello overwhelm, you cheeky beast!’

To identify what brings about our own overwhelm is a discovery that’s worth the work. My overwhelm may be different to yours, which could be different to theirs. 

No deep probing and analysis required; just watch your patterns. 

They are there. 

The next few times you’re overwhelmed hold great insight. These give us the chance to redefine the often generalised use of the word ‘overwhelm’. 

It’s then that breakthroughs for better ways of thinking, working and living will come.


To be able to facilitate better is one of this decade's critical skills for leadership

These elegant, collaborative and engaging capabilities aren't just for trainers, presenters or coaches.

Executives, business analysts, project managers, middle level team and people leaders and those new to managing and leading experience the benefits of being able to:
🌕engage with a group or team,
🌕draw information from that group, and then
🌕help them collaborate to achieve an agreed outcome.

Leaders can do so much better to create the right environment and set up the processes that will help that team work together and collaborate.

But make no mistake, facilitation is not ‘soft’ work. 

Better Facilitation will help you balance:
- Achieving outcomes
- Boosting engagement
- Driving productivity
- Encouraging contribution.

Make meetings and workshops better, engagement and collaboration better ... and results and impacts better.