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I acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which I live - the Yalukit-Willam - and pay my respects to their elders past, present and emerging. 



Entries in productivity (159)


Overwhelmed with information 

Have you felt it lately? 

Our sponge gets full - gradually or rapidly - and then we’re ‘done’. We can’t keep taking information in unless we do something to get the existing information out!

Where does your overload come from? 
- A day of back to back meetings
- A new project
- The to do list
- Working from home
- Dealing with uncertainty and stress ... 

All of these things can bring on a state of overload and overwhelm.

The thing is, we don’t have to ‘suck it up’ or ‘push on through’ or ‘keep it together’. These are old ways which battled or fought with the overload. 

There are newer, smarter ways to understand, rework and redirect overwhelm. 


Working smarter, more efficiently 

When our to do list is long, we can be keen to find a quick productivity fix: a better app, a new method, a new book. 

But these fixes take a process and just apply it over the top of our existing behaviours, band-aid style. 

All the years we’ve been working, we’ve been forming our own habits and ways of working. That’s how we got like this!

Meanwhile, many teams and businesses have shifted and adopted some newer ways of doing things. 

Some of these are smarter and more efficient vs what we might be doing: slower, requiring more effort. 

How are you changing to smarter ways? 

Rather than stressing over our to do list or day full of meetings, we can rework the work, re-imagining how it can be done. 

There is much to learn about these newer ways. And they can be far more efficient for us than a productivity bandaid. 


Be the boss of your overwhelm 

Letting overwhelm get the better of us feels like ‘it’s all over us’. 

Recent months of change have shown us plenty of overwhelming experiences! 

As we traverse a ladder of overwhelm, at times we’re DROWNING; too much to do, too many commitments, so much on. 

Or we may be STRUGGLING. Learning new skills is an example. There’s so much information and many new concepts, it’s overwhelming for sure !

As we get a handle on things, we’re JUGGLING; a lot going on and we catch some, yet some things fall. 

To become the boss of our overwhelm then is worth the journey. 

We turn the tables on it; instead of being swamped, we take control, channel and redirect it. 

This leads us to UNDERSTANDING our own brand of overwhelm and what’s unique for us. 

Armed with this insight, PROGRESSING further, faster is possible. 

This is us ... ACHIEVING!

‘All over it’ is such a different place than the inundation of overwhelm. 

The more we’re the boss of our own overwhelm, the better. 

It’s a powerful place. 


To be able to facilitate better is one of this decade's critical skills for leadership

These elegant, collaborative and engaging capabilities aren't just for trainers, presenters or coaches.

Executives, business analysts, project managers, middle level team and people leaders and those new to managing and leading experience the benefits of being able to:
🌕engage with a group or team,
🌕draw information from that group, and then
🌕help them collaborate to achieve an agreed outcome.

Leaders can do so much better to create the right environment and set up the processes that will help that team work together and collaborate.

But make no mistake, facilitation is not ‘soft’ work. 

Better Facilitation will help you balance:
- Achieving outcomes
- Boosting engagement
- Driving productivity
- Encouraging contribution.

Make meetings and workshops better, engagement and collaboration better ... and results and impacts better.


Overwhelm that comes from the future 

It’s not even here yet and we’re already thinking about it!

The workshop that’s next week. 
The presentation we have to finish. 
The job interview we’re preparing for. 
The proposal for the client. 
The book to read. 

It’s all in the future ... and our thinking about ‘that which is yet to come’ adds so much to our feelings of overload and overwhelm. 

Running scenarios, preparing options and imagining plan As, Bs and Cs : it all takes time, attention and energy. 

Check to see if you’ve started working on something before you’ve, you know... actually started working on it!

Don’t dismiss all that thinking as ‘nothing’ or ‘just’ thinking. It’s adding to our cognitive overload and our sense of overwhelm. 

No wonder we feel the burden of too much going on!

Catch yourself - and your team - if you’re heading off on a thinking tangent or going deep into a wombat hole that may take even more effort to get out of. 


Noticing where our attention and focus is - in the past, the present or the future - is a powerful behaviour. 

It’s a practical thing to do to reduce the feels when ‘it’s all too much’.