Mentoring Day Workshop

June 24

10am - 4pm AEST 

Just $249 AUD












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I acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which I live - the Yalukit-Willam - and pay my respects to their elders past, present and emerging. 






self | workload | information | focus | learning | collaboration 




Entries in curiosity (10)


The gallery in your mind

It’s open now ... an exhibition. featuring imagery, clips, videos, snippets, quotes and dramatic headlines and links from all of the stuff you’ve been absorbing lately. 

Oops ... we didn’t realize it but the gallery is now full. And it has not even been curated yet! 

Curation is when the exhibits in a gallery are organised and arranged, identified, sourced and carefully chosen. They present a story, a setting or a theme to gallery visitors as they walk, wander, wonder and experience it all. It flows, makes sense, is a delight. 

It’s time to clean out our current exhibit. 

Time to paint the walls, sweep the floors, and get ready for another newer and fresher exhibition. 

The next one. Let’s make it a better one. 

It’s time to become more of a curator of what you let in to the gallery in your mind. To more carefully choose what you will watch, look at, listen to and absorb. 

We don’t need to let just anything into this gallery of ours. 

More isn’t better. 
More isn’t beautiful. 

Curate, choose and be discerning. It is yours after all. 


Choose : Curiosity or Fear 

As we choose - and we do choose, we don’t have to go where someone or something else takes us - we can begin to think in ways that are helpful and at times, harmful.

We need fear: it keeps us alive. But how much do we need? How do you know when you’ve had enough? At what point is too much fear not good for us?

We have a strong, powerful curiosity bias, a tendency to take on information, to absorb and learn. At what point might we be taking on so much information on a topic that the curiosity ... becomes anxiety and fear? There can be a drive for more more more information: What’s the latest? Where is it at now? What’s happening where?

‘News’ outlets know we think like this. They feed our curiosity bias and they succeed when we can’t get enough of them and keep coming back for ‘more’.

But you don’t have to eat from the feeders.

You have choice: To learn and seek out information that becomes knowledge and insight and then to stop ... so it does not feed anxiety and fear.

Behave how the feeders want you to behave? Or lift up through to curiosity, to get some information and insight and then ... get on with your glorious life.


Just thinking, or capturing the thinking 

Working on tasks like problem solving, idea generation or planning and decision making means we can get into some pretty heavy thinking.

I wonder... are we doing too much thinking and not enough capturing of the thinking?

Have you had that situation where you've come up with an idea, some clever thoughts and then ... it's gone, disappeared as quickly as it arrived? Can't remember it?

It’s a waste to think great things and not net, trap or curate and gather them. Too often we dismiss our thoughts and ideas as not being valuable, but they’ve just been created as thoughts; they haven’t been further morphed into an action or an implementable thing.

Give yourself the credit that yes, you did come up with an idea, a possibility. Then capture it as soon as you can!

A library of ideas is something to draw from later on.

We can't always sit down and expect brilliant ideas to come to us on demand. Rather, we can capture them when they come throughout our daily habits and activities. This is the clever art of idea curation.

Q: Do you lose your ideas or do you catch them?



Being a risk taker and explorer in times of uncertainty can feel like it’s a great risk, but it can also reap huge rewards. It means stepping into uncertainty, unknown and unsure.

But go, step into it. Be intrepid. To be otherwise is to be timid, weak, pusillanimous – yep, that’s a big word that will stop you being able to work with uncertainty.

When we are fearful of uncertainty, we get smaller ideas, take smaller risks and try to stay in 'safe and same'.

Businesses that support risk taking can achieve some mighty innovative things. So to work in uncertainty, we simply need to be curious.

And if we are scared, curiosity becomes the opposite of fear. Be CURIOUS. Wonder. Enquire.

Be intrigued and interested and you'll be just fine working in uncertainty. 


4 more ideas on adaptability

9 - Ingenuity

The Institute for the Future's 2020 skills included novel and adaptive thinking. We’ve got to find ways to be more resourceful and clever to get more of the right things done. This means hacking ourselves, hacking our systems and processes, and quite possibly, hacking other people too!

10 - Empathy

To understand and feel what others are experiencing is a power shift to make; from caring less to caring more. Trust goes deeper, quicker, and it’s not about you, it’s about them.

11 - Creativity

The subtle art of making things up is a human capability we’re born with - ranking highly on the list of the World Economic Forum's future work skills. Creativity creeps up higher in the rankings each year! The cry of ‘I’m not creative’ is done. Time to change that script!

12 - Curiosity

Our childlike wonder has been replaced with compliance, following rules and systems without knowing why. Don't jump to solutions, deny or discount; wonder more.

There you have 12 ideas about adaptability; it's THE capability of today.

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