Coming May 2024 

Clever Skills

How to use your greatest human capabilities for the unfolding future 








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I acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which I live - the Yalukit-Willam - and pay my respects to their elders past, present and emerging. 



Entries in skills (11)


5 Tips for Better Thinking 

Here they are … because better thinking leads to better decisions and results and outcomes. 

1. Think about thinking
2. Be aware of loops
3. Add to your mental model toolbox 
4. Make diversity the rule not the exception 
5. Remember emotional agility (and Susan David, Ph.D. book ‘Emotional Agility’ is a beauty!)

Read more about each of these five tips in this Entrepreneur Media article by Aytekin Tank from JotForm


Bringing 3 skills together 

A skill on its own is good. Another skill... even better. Three skills? Three times the goodness! 

The skills and capabilities we have work well on their own. But when they’re combined and integrated - even better. 

Working with a group of business analysts recently, we took the three skills of :
- questioning 
- facilitating
- visualizing 
and integrated them. 

Beyond just using the skills on their own individually, one then the other, then the other ... we used all three at once. Integrated. 

Engagement was better. 
Elicitation of requirements was easier. 
Progress was faster. 

These three skills can work well with each other, leverage each other and make our roles and challenges easier. 

For the team of business analysts, it was an experience I call a ’skills lift’.

Greater confidence and capability. 

And an exponential return on one, two, three skills, multiplied and amplified when they’re working together. 


A little more creativity please

You can see I’m a fan of regularly applying the skills of creativity: in thinking, writing and idea generation. 

The World Economic Forum said the top 3 skills we’d need by 2020 would be
- Complex Problem Solving
- Critical Thinking
- Creativity.

In their updated skills list for 2025, creativity features in half of the top 10 skills, in one form or another. 

And here we are… in a world where we’ve been adapting to a global pandemic, working from home, leading remotely, changing business practices, generating new products, serving customers in new ways and ... keeping it together!

Sir Ken Robinson said “...we don't grow into creativity, we grow out of it. Or rather, we get educated out if it.”

It’s worth putting some of that creativity back in, and learning to be even just a little more creative! 

We need creativity now and for our future and it's worth asking for a little more creativity please, and being able to deliver a little more creativity. 


The combination of knowing and doing

There’s a time-saving acceleration we gain when we learn a new skill, a professional insight or a pro tip. 

It’s a big benefit of learning. 

Whatever the skill, knowing some valuable and impactful techniques lifts our game. We gain efficiencies and reduce waste. 

- Otherwise we’re in WASTEFUL practice: we don’t know and we don’t do, bumbling along. 

- When we don’t know but do the best we can, there’s a kind of INTUITIVE practice. Perhaps we’re going with our gut. There is opportunity for learning and validation of what you’re doing; formalizing a skill. 

- When we know a skill, but don’t do what we know, we can be locked in a kind of HABITUAL practice. The opportunity here is to modernize and bring new practices to our toolkit. 

So where to aim for? 

Ideally, where you know a skill or technique and you use it: DELIBERATE practice. 

Skills have been learned, and they’re being applied. 

Little waste and great effects! 

Plot what you know - and what you’re doing with it. 


Be the boss of your overwhelm 

Letting overwhelm get the better of us feels like ‘it’s all over us’. 

Recent months of change have shown us plenty of overwhelming experiences! 

As we traverse a ladder of overwhelm, at times we’re DROWNING; too much to do, too many commitments, so much on. 

Or we may be STRUGGLING. Learning new skills is an example. There’s so much information and many new concepts, it’s overwhelming for sure !

As we get a handle on things, we’re JUGGLING; a lot going on and we catch some, yet some things fall. 

To become the boss of our overwhelm then is worth the journey. 

We turn the tables on it; instead of being swamped, we take control, channel and redirect it. 

This leads us to UNDERSTANDING our own brand of overwhelm and what’s unique for us. 

Armed with this insight, PROGRESSING further, faster is possible. 

This is us ... ACHIEVING!

‘All over it’ is such a different place than the inundation of overwhelm. 

The more we’re the boss of our own overwhelm, the better. 

It’s a powerful place.