self | workload | information | focus | learning | collaboration 





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I acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which I live - the Yalukit-Willam - and pay my respects to their elders past, present and emerging. 



Entries in overwhelm (55)


6 ways we’re overloaded 

We know what overloads and overwhelms us: information, overwork, deadlines, social issues, politics, uncertainty. 

While we need to keep a handle on managing our own overload, it’s important to consider others and how we might be overloading them...accidentally or unknowingly.  

Here’s how we overload:
1. Meetings are too long
2. Focusing on the work for too long
3. One person speaking for too long. 

These are about the pressure and expectation we have of ATTENTION. There’s no break and pressure piles up with no relief or release. 

And then there’s:
4. Rambling, unstructured information 
5. Too much context or background 
6. Lengthy presentation packs. 

These are about the quantity and types of INFORMATION. We expect we can keep processing, analyzing, digesting and synthesizing information... endlessly. 

All 6 of these overloads are “too much”: too much unreleased pressure and too much wrestling with information. 

Combined, they lead to the reduced engagement, slowed progress and increased confusion of overload. And exhaustion. 

Take each in turn and use it as a kind of gate, filter or checklist. 

We can’t expect others to ‘just deal with’ what we haven’t considered, constrained or refined. 


Managing the overload 

It’s not just information. It’s emotions and overwhelm too. It’s workload, decisions, news, and everything that changes. 

Our ability to make sense of what’s going on is often in overdrive as we juggle complex issues and our reactions to them. 

So there is the information. 
And there is our reaction to it. 

The information can be overwhelming. 
And so can our response. 

Acknowledging there is a load is a good place to start. 

There’s a lot going on. Don’t expect to get your head around everything that’s happening all at once. 

Sense is made by looking back on things. 

And our responses to that can come and go for some time. 

We don’t need to be an automatic victim to overwhelm. 

Make sense of it step by step, piece by piece, scene by scene. 


Getting started when it’s all too much 

Waiting for the perfect time? Waiting to launch an idea, press ‘go’ on a project - there may not be a perfect time. 

When we wait for the right time, perhaps we’re just waiting until we feel right. 

But if we keep waiting until we feel ready, brave, complete, right, correct and as perfect as can be, we will be waiting a long time. 

We can burn and waste a mighty lot of time in that state of inertia, waiting ... until. 

Before a hot air balloon takes off, pilots launch small lit balloons and watch how they respond in the air. 

They can read the weather forecast or muster all the courage and bravery they have, but that’s not as good as a trial. 

A trial balloon is a smaller version of the big thing and gives them some of the most real and visible evidence of what will happen when they launch the bigger one. 

Launching a trial balloon is something we can send out early on in our endeavor to check the market’s response ... and our response too. 

What’s a trial balloon you can put out there to help you get some insight on how your ‘thing’ might go? 

Launch something. Little. 


When everything is important

‘What do I do first - everything is priority one!’, said Wendy. 

‘Have you visualized your work?’, I asked. 

‘I’ve got a to do list. Is that visual enough?’, she said. 

‘Does it include everything... everything you have on your mind?’

Wendy said, ‘Well, no. It’s just got the things I need to do today.’

And there it is ... the thing that makes us feel like everything is important. 

The partial to do list. The list for today only. 

When we only capture some of what we need to do, we capture the immediate and pressing, and it’s all important. 

But if we capture everything we need to do - yes, everything - we create a more realistic collection. 

Looking at everything, it’s clear some of them aren’t as important or don’t need to be done today. 

If we haven’t visualised the work to be done, we are going by what’s in our head or our inbox and that can feel like everything is important. 

Until you truly capture everything, you won’t know. 

We get distracted by the noise of so many tasks bumping into each other, gathering importance and urgency from each other - even when they don’t deserve it! 

Get it all out. 
Visualize it all. 
And then pick a top 3, 5 or 10. They’re the priority. 


The need for ideas doesn’t end 

Challenges still present themselves. 
Problems are still to be solved. 

Even when we are overloaded with life in general, we may still have to come up with some genius and share our thoughts and ideas. 

Oh but what if
- we don’t feel like it
- we’ve ‘got nothing’
- we can’t think of anything
- we aren’t ‘feeling it’?

We may expect genius to just show up magically when we require it. 

But the funny - or perhaps cruel - thing about ideas is they can arrive when we’re bored! 

As our brain begins to relax from the pressure we put it under, zoooomwhoosh, in comes an idea. 

‘Out of nowhere’, we’ll say. 

This week I worked with a team to help them get bored... and quickly. 

As boredom arrives from a mundane task, their genius fires up and their ingenuity helped solve the challenge they’d been working on. 

They’ve come up with so many resourceful solutions and surprised themselves about how useful boredom can be. 

We can become less frustrated about times or tasks that are ‘BORING!!!’ and instead use them as the space and place where your clever is bubbling away, working on the problem. 

Get bored and use boredom. It’s a valid, relevant and practical strategy. 

OMG so boring !! 😁😁🤣

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