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Clever Skills

How to use your greatest human capabilities for the unfolding future 








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I acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which I live - the Yalukit-Willam - and pay my respects to their elders past, present and emerging. 



Entries in problem solving (23)


Track the patterns 

Very few things happen in isolation or independence. They are most likely connected to something else. If there’s something else connected, what could you find out about it?

Look for clues ... and cues. As you gather up more information - CSI style - you’re sensemaking, connecting dots, gathering information on trends and patterns. And as soon as there are three of something, there is a pattern.

A pattern that is noticeable.

A pattern that is recognisable.

A pattern that is actionable.


What patterns are you noticing :

- with the members in your team?

- in your work and the projects you’re working on?

- with your customers and what their problems or concerns are?


Great leaders and thinkers are great pattern trackers and pattern matchers.

Even if it’s not all lined up in front of them.

Even if it doesn’t all happen at once.

Even if there is a period of time between pieces of the pattern.

Take note. Spot the pattern. Make sense. And better decisions and wiser choices will be yours. Did you spot the patterns in this post?


Try again tomorrow 

If something is tricky, sticky or difficult to decide or work on, leave it for now and try again tomorrow.

We do wonderful sorting, synthesising, problem solving and integrating when we are asleep. So we can let go of it today and tackle it again tomorrow knowing our abilities can be even better.

For the procrastinators among us, who often leave the sprint to the finish line until the last moment because ‘pressure works for us’ well, we’re missing out on the overnight gold mining that gets done.

If we can get started on a task, project or activity a day sooner than we were planning, we can let a night’s sleep do some of the genius work for us. All that automatic sorting, searching and sensemaking could be more productive, creative and effective than the drag of pushing on through.

Another reason to seek out decent sleep: it makes our ideas, thinking and solutions better.


What kind of uncertainty

If these are “uncertain times” for us, think about what kind of uncertainty is it for you. Uncertainty couldn’t be a blanket cover, one type or one size fits all ... could it?

It’s worth exploring uncertainty further so we aren’t just generalizing about it.

There is:

Uncertainty that is confusion.

Uncertainty that is lack of knowledge.

Uncertainty that is indecision.

Uncertainty that is doubt.

Uncertainty from not knowing or being unsure.

Uncertainty that is variability.

Or the ‘subject to change’ type of uncertainty.

Much gets gathered under the one label of uncertainty ...but getting greater fidelity could help. In meetings, conversations, presentations and packs of information, go a way further than listing the U of VUCA as a generic brand of uncertainty.

Go further to get more certain about uncertainty! 🤩 You’ll be known for greater clarity and help guide a team through doing better work.


Explore your ingenuity

When we’re faced with a problem or challenge, things may not work the way we’d like them to. We can become frustrated about that; we might complain, wish it were perfect, give up or... we can explore our ingenuity.

Ingenuity is our very own Department of Clever. Ingenuity is when we’re resourceful, using what we have. It’s how we fix or juggle things and make them work.

It could be how we make things fit in a cupboard or shelf, or how we prop up a computer screen on books or boxes so the camera is level with our eyes.

Ingenuity could be how we’re cleverly using space at home, or how we throw a few ingredients together for a kind of meal we’ve never made before.

Some of the best, most practical solutions come about when we explore our own resources of clever. And even if you don’t think you’re clever all the time, your ingenuity is still there ... waiting to go to work the next time you challenge it.

Try the ‘explore’ option next time a struggle or challenge is upon you and see what your mind delivers up to you in order to solve it. Ingenuity is a different resource to creativity, and it’s part of how we learn, survive and adapt in the world.

Clever you!


It may not be pretty but it may just work 

When we make up a solution, put together a near enough or good enough fix for something, it may not be pretty. And it may not be perfect.

For some of us who like our precision, accuracy, completeness and alignment, we might also prefer things to be ‘just so’, working well and of the highest quality. But in times when we are finding and needing hacks and short cuts to make things work, it’s worth allowing some leeway.

If we can allow things to be a bit clunky, imperfect, basic and rudimentary, it will relieve the pressure on those who are doing their best.

Human ingenuity is at work and while it’s clever, it might not have the highest fidelity on the first pass. Better will come over time.